My Introduction

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My Introduction
Post # 1
Hello everyone, I hope you are all having a lovely day or night.

I have made note of this website years ago when a older cousin of mine was a visitor on this SoM. I have made my account in 2020, but I did not become interested in discovering and pursuing a new journey of discovering covens, spells/rituals, and overall self-discipline through witchcraft. I now sparked an interest again on this random day and I hope to meet new people and understand the culture of this website,

I am not very sure of where I fall in the spectrum of religious paths of witchcraft such as Wicca, or a more independent approach and discovering the world of elements of nature, astro-projection, fae realms and so on and so forth. But I hope to have some sort of eye opening moment in where I fall within the spectrum, even if its spontaneous.

A little bit about me is that I enjoy to write and organize my space to decorate my room with paintings and small statues I have found in second hand stores.

Thank you for reading, ^^

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