Hoping this site is legit

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Hoping this site is legit
Post # 1
I've been searching for a forum such as this to be able to connect with solitary practitioners and Wiccans'. Learn from them and be able to share my experiences. I've been on this path for about 5 years now and finally found something I am truly connected to. There is such a freedom in this religion and it has taught me how to connect with my higher self and love who I am. Not to leave out a host of so much more. This is where I have wanted to be all along. Just wished it hadn't took me so long to except it.
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Re: Hoping this site is legit
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Welcome to this little corner of the static super-highway! Like any open forum it has good information and bad. Helpful folks and those swinging through for a cheeky Lark. Stay a while, get comphy, and I'm sure there will be plenty-good conversation to be had.

I am curious as to what sort of path you have connected with so far over your five-year journey, by way of ice-breaker if nothing else. One of the more established traditions? Something more personal and eclectic?
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