Hello All

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Hello All
Post # 1
Hello All,

Just wanted to introduce myself, starting my journey. Have had a couple of interesting interaction with spirit people.

Todays interaction was one of the strongest, I was handed a piece of Gold Healer Quatrz and felt the vibration up my arm making my hairs stand on end, moving into my chest.

Was told my the person who was with me to look up the Rose Cross Ritual, to help project myself and to take myself off the grid to recharge myself.

I look forward to learning more on my journey.
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Re: Hello All
Post # 2
Just signed up to the site today. Have you had good luck with it? The site, that is? And how is your progress going?
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Re: Hello All
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Hmm... I must admit I have not heard of the rose cross ritual. A few minutes of exercising must google-fu has brought up little as well. Mainly some music album of the same title, or mentions of Rosicrucian Christianity. I think the latter is most likely what was intended by this person. It might reveal some information to look that up. It might shed some light.

As for the response to handling that quartz crystal, I remember feeling a similar 'zap' (as I like to call it) my first times handling Kyanite and later Moldovite. It happens when you resonate well with a particular crystal. It has a rapid and strong effect so your energies respond in kind. It can put you off-kilter when not prepared for it. I would suggest getting yourself one of those crystals so you can work with it from time to time.

I'm too lazy to transcribe from my copy of 'the crystal bible' (an excellent reference book) so I pulled this summary from Kalifano.com (https://kalifano.com/en-ca/blogs/stories-of-kalifano/golden-healer-quartz-properties-meanings-and-more);

"Golden healer benefits include the ability to align chakras and magnify the flow of energy through the body."

So, by handling the stone, you opened up to its influence and likely had a jolt of energy charge into you like a healing freight-train and snap some things into alignment. It's sort of like getting a blast of oxygen without having realized you've been out of breath. It can feel unbalanced, or even off-puttingly uncomfortable. But over time it has less-drastic effect as you normalize to it.
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