My Introduction

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My Introduction
Post # 1
Hello everyone, I hope you are all having a lovely day or night.

I have made note of this website years ago when a older cousin of mine was a visitor on this SoM. I have made my account in 2020, but I did not become interested in discovering and pursuing a new journey of discovering covens, spells/rituals, and overall self-discipline through witchcraft. I now sparked an interest again on this random day and I hope to meet new people and understand the culture of this website,

I am not very sure of where I fall in the spectrum of religious paths of witchcraft such as Wicca, or a more independent approach and discovering the world of elements of nature, astro-projection, fae realms and so on and so forth. But I hope to have some sort of eye opening moment in where I fall within the spectrum, even if its spontaneous.

A little bit about me is that I enjoy to write and organize my space to decorate my room with paintings and small statues I have found in second hand stores.

Thank you for reading, ^^

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Re: My Introduction
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Welcome (belatedly) to the site! I'm one of those new-age-y nuytbars who believes that there are very few things indeed that could be considered accidents.

Witchcraft, wicca, heathens, and the myriad of other branches of this very broad spiritual tree all share one thing very-much in common. The path you walk is what you make of it. It is what you decide you want it to be. Be it a casual interest in history and culture, or a transformative personal journey, you get out what you put in.

You mentioned you like to write? I admit that has piqued my interest... Is there a particular kind of writing you like to dabble in?
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Re: My Introduction
Post # 3
You're welcome
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