To seal jar spells

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To seal jar spells
Post # 1
I have a jar spell that I anchored to the sun before noon and also have an another anchor as well, following this I activated the jar spell , physically speaking you "knock" the jar lightly against something on the bottom of it similar to how a witch would activate a spelled candle, in the case of the candle after that point you can light it and the spell within will be cast of course the whole candle needs to be burned for the spell to be successful but that's not what this is about. Since I'm aware to undo a jar spell someone would need to dismantle it and cleanse the objects within, I was thinking of preventing this by also burying the jar since that's what works for sealing spells that are cast with petitions where you bury the ashes under a corresponding tree, ie: pine for the immortality of the spell. What I'm wondering is if something (physically) gets into the jar after I've buried it won't that interfere with the spell? Hence why I anchored the spell. I have it as a jar incase I want to add any additionally yet non required energy to the working but eventually I will be wanting to simply "move on from the ritual" so I was thinking of sealing the spell. I know how to do with this pure energy workings but this is different , does anyone have any recommendations? I want to ask before I bury the jar in case someone has a better idea. I bring up burying it because I have done this for other jar type spells and never saw any issues, but since I'm a more experienced witch now I thought its worth looking into.

Thank you a head of time your any assistance

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Re: To seal jar spells
Post # 2
Hi SpiritWitch8

So if i am reading your post correctly, and if im not, i will stand to be corrected, you are looking to seal your spell jar so when it is buried, nothing physically gets into your spell jar. And nothing damages it's contents or objects that is related to your spell. And nothing interferers with your spell. Also if you need to add something into your spell jar, it would be easy to do so.

So again, if I am getting this correctly, you have already sealed your spell jar with energy and intent. So to physically seal it so nothing gets in when its buried, i would suggest sealing your spell jar with candle wax. From the candle used to weave your spell into the jar. A great carrier of energy and intent also, and yes, a great sealing agent for your spell jar, keeping energy, intent, and spell objects all intact and damage free when its buried. Also easy to dismantle or add in something later on.

An idea you may want to consider or even try.

Blessed Be
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Re: To seal jar spells
Post # 3
Yes, I was thinking of using candle wax but that requires me to melt a candle and I'm not great at containing a potential mess like that. Not sure yet anyway, but thank you for responding for quickly. Forgive the brevity of this message I'm responding as I'm working on other things.
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Re: To seal jar spells
Post # 4
Totally understandable

Well if you looking to not make a messy situation with the candle wax sealing, here's a quick tip. If you using a jar with the lid, drop the melted wax into the same lid, and as it's starting to solidify, cut around the edge of the lid, so the wax pops out and it fits snuggly into the jar in a solid form. Where it will not drip onto the contents of your spell jar.

And to remove, just cut around the wax. And again it will pop out. So you can add in an item or two and then repeat the process if you sealing the spell jar again. Hassle and mess free.

Blessed Be
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Re: To seal jar spells
Post # 5
Thank for this idea, quite clever
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