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Post # 1
Hello, Iam new here and have 0 experience, i wanna to know something about succubus, if u know something u can msg me, thanks!
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Re: Hey!
Post # 2
Merry Meet Gigachad

And welcome

So a very brief description of succubus.
So succubus is a female spirit entity/demon that visits men in their dreams and sexually seduces them. Succubus will need to live of your energy for the duration of the encounter.

Succubus is a female spirit/demon and incubus is a male spirit/demon. And the reality of their existence should not be taken lightly. Because as mentioned, this demonic spirit/entity lives of your energy when encountered.

I suggest that before dabbling into this nature of practice, that you research this thoroughly. You can probably go on to YouTube where there is a lot of information and experiences shared by people who have encountered this experience.

Having said that you have zero experience, I suggest that you start with the basics which will determine your path and your calling. Dabbling with demonic spirit entities may not be the ideal place to start. Then again, if it's something that is on your mind and you feel a need to learn about it, then that's what you should do, learn about it and research it.

Wish you well in your endeavours.

Blessed Be
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