Norwegian VVitch

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Norwegian VVitch
Post # 1

I'm a former member of the wonderful forum that was closed last year, have been looking for a new forum for a while now and hope to feel at home here :)

My practise is a mish mash of my heritage, trolldom and Icelandic galder. But mainly Norwegian "heksekunst" (witchcraft in Norwegian). I stay somewhat within the Svartebok tradition. Grimoires.
Poison Path have been a huge part of my craft since the beginning and I grow the usual witchcraft herbs at home as well as other relevant plants on and off.
My path is mostly private but I do share a bit, I was taught by my great grandmother and my grandmother back in the 80s and they insisted that craft was heritage and for "your eyes only". So, I follow that fairly consistently.

I am a solitary witch, been for the most part of my life, but enjoy the modern marvels of internet to a certain degree. A good forum and networking with similar minds have been great !

I miss my old forum, it was a good resource, but I miss the network the most. Hope to find some of the old members again.

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Re: Norwegian VVitch
Post # 2
Oh, I forgot, my online name is usually Norwegian VVitch, but the name was too long for this forum.
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