Health/disease binding

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Health/disease binding
Post # 1
Hi, someone sent me a health spell to bind disease. It’s a screenshot but doesn’t show the full instructions on how to do the spell. Can someone please tell me the name of the spell or link so that I can get the full spell. From the screenshot it says “ I do not bind the (name the body part). I bind the disease residing there that it may leave the flesh and spirit of this person and enter the cord.
Great Mother and Father, aid me in my work here. The disease is bound into the cord; only flames can release it hence! So mote it be!
Untie the cord, and throw quickly into the fire. Visualize the disease being destroyed, evaporating in the flames.
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Re: Health/disease binding
Post # 2
Okay, Here you go:
I don't know whatever it's Legit/true or not, just doing your request
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Re: Health/disease binding
Post # 3
Thank you so much!!!
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Re: Health/disease binding
Post # 4
Do the following: fill a bath tub with half flaming water and half cold water. Then, pick up a bowl (preferably green) and mix some skin care oil with slices of lemon and rosemary. Then, light up three incense cones in a bowl and call upon the ascended masters, mentioning Yeshua and say amen or so mote it be. After that, say: 'All witchcraft, bad influence, monitoring spirits, dark magic or anything that affects my health is now cut off. Amen.' Deposit the mixture into the bath water and step in it. Visualize all the negativity leaving your body through your pores and as you do that, tap on every primary energy point (Sacral Chakra, Pineal, Throat, Thymus, Solar Plexus, Root) and activate them with the help of the ascended masters. After that, empty the bath and don't forget to say gratitude to the masters. :)

Love and light!
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