New Moon-Lionsgate Portal

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New Moon-Lionsgate Portal
Post # 1
Has anyone after the new moon experienced and felt a major energetic shift as we move into the Lions-gate portal on 8/8 (August 8th)

Such as to the following in concurrent back to back events

On top of spiritual gifts being activated
Also a major sign of higher consciousness has evolved and changed and shifted in a more power of bliss and power and flow so if you are learn how to tap into the ability to endure more your spiritual abilities and the feeling of spiritual healing the most common is in the hands are tingly or your third eye is tingly also will be experiencing a lot of visions and downloads this is a very beautiful energy coming thru activating us for the lions-gate portal and the beginning of the new world that we can build
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Re: New Moon-Lionsgate Portal
Post # 2

Please Anybody give a better story too , Besides mine. So, between the dates of the 4th and the 8th, this is what I got. Maybe not everyone can understand what state Im talking about.

There are two types of triangles:pointing upwards, and pointing downwards. If we are in a very relaxed state, like if we want to go into a deep trance, the door to the subconscious mind, we have to be very relaxed, so no muscles are used, not even scalp muscles. Then it become like a triangle/ five-pointed star pointing upwards to the crown.

  1. Usually, when the majority of people want to visualize targeting something , their imagination thinks of distance and moves, because they use head muscles.
  2. But in this state, not moving like that, so it is already united , not even a distance;
    • everything is already connected and oneness, because its non-material properties,neither happy nor stressed.
    • It becomes like the Sun/Upward Pentacle which projects its rays to the macrocosm
  3. Its a different story if its the opposite , used for magic with anger/wrath ,
    • using the Patala/hell lower chakras , below the root chakra, the opposite. So, the top of our head becomes separated .
    • And its very easy to do energy vampirism. If other people get negative energy/Pain/Hurt/Sick, we become vampiric and sucking/adsorb to their energy.
    • But I dont want it to be like this , its very dark. The weakness arethe tailbone roots and Lower Dan Tian/Navel, it stores energy from below. Because it thinks it self is below and Materialize their Energy? Gemstone nearby navel?

Actually, Im looking for the alchemical symbol of the dark planet Saturn, circle below the cross (Globulus Cruciger / Materialism) , the opposite of Venus/Mercury symbol (Caduceus/ Wand/ Spiritualism) ? Parteialder/ Nazi Party Eagle Stands on circle while spreading its wings become cross above the circle , just like Saturn

So, I want to know about Cult of Saturn , especially in Fraternitas Saturni and Guido Wolther drawings, where the symbol Crescent moon and Pentacle in the picture is reversed. Also, Hitler and Germanium Order ever used the Dark/Black Sun Symbol? Stands on the reversed moon and the black Star, So, from here, which one is correct? Above or Below? So what do you think?

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