Bad energy

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Bad energy
Post # 1
Recently I've been feeling this really bad energy so I haven't done or used anything related to magick, it hot me when my pendulum went missing and I never miss it. I feel like my energy is just drained out of me, my chackras feel off but I can't tell which one because I just don't have enough experience with it. Even my dog isn't as close too me. And it's weird because I was doing so well. Dose anyone have any suggestions, not even spell work but meditation astral projection, chackras.
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Re: Bad energy
Post # 2

If something doesn't feel right, I usually sunbathe at 12:00 noon, take a salt bath from head to toe, or play solfeggio frequencies with a speaker while reading a book.

  1. In my opinion, negative energy really fades away when exposed to sunlight,
    • especially at 12:00 noon when the sun is directly above our heads.
    • Its even used for cleansing items. For me, its usually for a short time, like 5 minutes.
  2. If using salt, use coarse sea salt or raw salt from the evaporation process from the sea , not refined salt from the factory used for cooking.
    • Put it on the apex of my head and drench it with water.
    • Even negative things like items/medium for cursing will decrease in power if we sprinkle that raw salt, which means neutralize.
  3. Sometimes, if there's something wrong, fasting is a common practice.It helps to focus the mind, so we dont get annoyed with food addiction .
    • Fasting is popular in Asia, even among Buddhists, Hindus, and Taoists.
    • Its proven to be very beneficial for health, especially spiritually.
  4. If we use socks and shoes all the time, how do we ground the negative energy? We sometimes need to walk barefoot and touch the ground .
    • This concept applies in magic, physics, and biology for our health.
    • A house with insulated flooring may be unable to ground the negative energy.
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Re: Bad energy
Post # 3
Selenite is great for cleansing and dispelling, you can place them around your house (behind doors in rooms etc). And they also make candle holders and selenite daggers, which to my understanding work great on drawing negative energy from the body.

You should try to acquire one from a shop in person, and find a piece that speaks to you. it is unfortunately common to come across weaker samples since it is so easily found and mass produced
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