My Cat

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My Cat
Post # 1
So, recently I got back into Wiccan interests, and my cat- a four year old tux, I've only had him about 2 years, and the last time I was interested in wiccan was before I adopted him- not the point- when I started to do research on different Deity's, mostly Bast, and Anubis, he came over, and immediately got all cuddly, head-butting me, rubbing against my computer screen, where an article on Bast was, and when I looked at him once he just laid his head in my lap, he was already staring at me, but his eyes weren't cat like? I don't know how to describe it really, am I just overthinking this or is something up with my cat? Any ideas?
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Re: My Cat
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Merry Meet,

Most animals can sense Magik. Depending on their temperament, they might help you on your path. Since this happens when you work with Bast, you could ask for a sign. You could use divination, or ask to see something specific for a yes or a no. You can also observe your cat. Since he comes over when you speak to your deities, I would call this a sign. Try making a psi ball and see how your cat reacts. This could indicate your cat can help you in your craft. This does not mean they are meant to aid you in spells, but it could mean they can guide you in your studies or protects you from spiritual attacks. Pets as well as plants can protect you from spiritual attacks. Meditate, journal, divine, observe, and ask for specific signs from your deities. That will help you find your answer. But, with that said, you seem to know the answer already.

Blessed Be.
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