Working with Freyja

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Working with Freyja
Post # 1
I have officially decided to welcome the goddess Freyja into my home, my life and my heart. I've decided to cast an attraction spell on myself that will make women irresistible to me everywhere I go. Would Freyja be able to assist me with this spell since Freyja is the Goddess of love and beauty?
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Re: Working with Freyja
By: / Novice
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Norse Paganism from Spell Suggestions.
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Re: Working with Freyja
By: / Novice
Post # 3
She can, but you shouldn't work with a deity simply for spell casting reasons. [you can, but deities aren't genies who just give you stuff] I would try and form a relationship with her before asking for things [say a month of getting to know her] Think of Freyja as a new friend. Would you go "Hi, my name is pagan1, it's nice to meet you, can you help me move this Saturday?" Asking a deity you just met to help with a spell is the same thing. Set up an altar, try to spend time every day at the altar, or pray throughout your day. Prayer can be bowing your head and repeating a phrase [occasionally, I enjoy doing that] but it's just a conversation. You can say it out loud or in your head, before your altar or a space you feel them and just "Hi Freyja, I hope you're well, my day's been like (this), I've been thinking about (that), and I'm trying to do (stuff) in your honour." Be sure to meditate so you can hear their response.

Meditation can be anything that brings you into the present moment. Sitting outside with your tea and watching and staring at your yard can be a meditation. Washing the dishes, nature walks, colouring, and journaling [actually, try automatic writing] are all forms of meditation. You should also observe the world around you for signs. You can ask for a sign [if I'm on the right path, let me see a long-haired cat] or you might notice patterns [angel numbers are common signs, but if you see cats, hear cats, people are talking about cats, that's also a sign since cats are Freyja's thing]

As for the making me irresistible to woman, yes, she can, but you'll have to put in the work. If you ask a deity for something, they won't give it to you for free. Let's say you ask this of her and her reply is "Go to the gym" You need to do that. You might also notice things about yourself and the people around you that suddenly bother you. Example, when I was 23-24, I was working with a Goddess because I wanted to be better [in my spiritual practice, in my attitude, in my life] After asking her to help me reach the next step in my growth journey, I turned on the TV and there was an interview on a talk show and the person said "To become better, you'll lose things you once loved." and I thought "Yeah, but I won't give up X because it's a big part of me." That would be a sign from the divine [aka divine timing] that you need to listen to. You can ignore it, but it makes the journey difficult. Also, don't argue with a deity, trust me on that. [and yes, after 2 stubborn years, I gave up that one thing I thought would always be part of my life] My biggest piece of advice is to trust the process. Arguing with the divine doesn't end well.

In my youth [17-23] I've argued with Dragons, spirits, deities and one faerie because they told me to do something I didn't want to. Each time ended in disaster. Arguing with a Dragon resulted in getting attacked and being unable to astrally project for years. Arguing with a spirit resulted in a mild haunting. Arguing with a faerie resulted in 6 months of misfortune [talking computers crashing, late for important appointments, reports being lost, favourite items breaking or going missing] and arguing with a deity, they leave or worse. My matron Goddess threw up her hands with me and said she'd be back when I was more mature, and then I got a wicked nosebleed. I went from having no nosebleeds to every spring/fall my left nostril bleeding for no reason. Doctors say I've got a cut far back that cracks open when the weather changes. They could use a laser to seal it, but I'm a wimp for pain so I'm like "Nah, I know why I got this, it's cool." [My matron did return a decade later, I'm just warning you of worst-case scenarios]

TL;DR to my post, you can ask her to help you with this, but it'll be an exchange. You should form a friendship with Freyja and if she tells you to do something, do it. She wants what's best for you and to help you succeed in your endeavour.
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