Unidentified Spirit Type

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Unidentified Spirit Type
Post # 1
So, I’ve ran into a type of spirit that I cannot identify. They look like demons, except they’re white cloaked instead of black. In my experience and based on what I’ve read about people’s experience of them on Reddit, they’re evil. However, no one on there knows what they are. I can’t find them in my encyclopedia of spirits or with a Google search. I’m at a complete loss but would love to know just for the sake of interest, and I’d love to experiment with working with them.
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Re: Unidentified Spirit Type
Post # 2
For some reason, I’m having trouble favoriting this so I can keep up with the comments, so feel free to shoot me a message.
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Re: Unidentified Spirit Type
Post # 3
Hey man, does the spirit show any traits that seem to be abnormal? BecauseHey man, does the spirit show any traits that seem abnormal? Because mine is kind of similar to yours. It always...my one is kind of similar to you. It looked like a Wolf, but way much smaller than an adult one, it had a full black body with red stripes on the belly. I only saw him two times, once entering my room and second over my bed. as per my research, this type of spirit could last over a century.
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