How to make ?

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How to make ?
Post # 1
How to make written sentence came true?
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Re: How to make ?
By: / Novice
Post # 2

I'm not sure what you mean exactly. There are affirmations that use a sentence to help get to a desired outcome. Something like "I am healthy and prosperous." would be a good example of an affirmation.

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Re: How to make ?
Post # 3
I hope you mean "written petition 'when you said written sentence. Whichever, your written wish will come TRUE if you visualize strongly and focus on the issue.You know the universe is mental.We really create when we visualize events in our subconscious mind consciously of unconsciously.
The period of its matterialization deepends on the degree of energy you unleashed.

Good luck.
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Re: How to make ?
By: / Novice
Post # 4
You mean like a type of affirmation?

Place the sentence somewhere you see it every day. Every day close your eyes and visualize what you want [example, say it's confidence, visualize yourself doing things confidently, like sitting tall, giving a presentation, getting an A+ on a test] when you feel satisfied with your ideal outcome say the line as if it's a fact [example 'I am a strong confident person'] then go out and try one thing that scares you, or make tiny shifts throughout your day you don't normally do [sit tall, raise your hand in class, say 'hi' to your crush]

Just like spells, the key is to visualize and believe it will work. If this is a chant, it's the same idea, you just might repeat the chant a few more times in one sitting.
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Re: How to make ?
Post # 5
To make a written sentence come true, you can use a few different techniques, including manifesting or sigil magick. Here are a few steps to try:

Write your sentence down as precisely as possible, in present tense. For example, instead of saying “I want to be successful,” say “I am successful.”
Spend a few moments everyday visualizing and feeling as if the statement has already come true.
If you wish, you can also create a sigil to represent your sentence, using a series of connecting lines and dots. Charge the sigil with your energy and intent.

As you visualize and feel the statement coming true, place your sigil, or a representation of it, in a place where you can see it every day. This can help to reinforce the idea in your mind and keep it fresh in your thoughts.
Act as if the statement has already come true in your everyday life. Take the actions and decisions necessary to make it a reality.
Have faith and believe that the statement will come true, and release any doubt or worry. The universe will work in your favor if you have confidence and trust.

It's important to note that while these techniques can be helpful, there is no guarantee that a written sentence will come true. Manifestation and sigil magick are techniques that can help to focus and direct your energy and intent, but ultimately it's up to you to take the necessary actions to make your desired reality a reality. Be persistent, stay positive, and trust in yourself and the universe.

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