Strange Side Effects

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Strange Side Effects
Post # 1
I have been meditating for a few days in order to reach the astral plain. My sessions are deep, i lose feeling, my breathing shortens, and when i reach the vibrational stage i feel sick, and come out of it after a couple minutes. I am hoping to pull through eventually, but my main concern has been the long term side effects. When i wake up, i have badly blured vision which last for a few minutes, but my long ranged visions has stayed that way since my first session. Is this normal? And will my vision improve? I could also use advice on how to stay calm through the vibe stage.
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Re: Strange Side Effects
Post # 2
I lasted all night and day last night and was in the middle of a conversation in my astral plain then my parents woke me up asking me a question, so yes it is possible to start astral plain control as long as you have that on your mind you can do whatever you want on that astral plain, just don’t hurt any cause I seen things happen in my astral times and getting stabbed dose the feel to good in an astral plain but I always remember mine there way more than a blurry vision
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Re: Strange Side Effects
Post # 3
The symptoms you're experiencing are common when attempting astral projection. It's normal to feel vibrational sensations, lose feeling, and experience changes in breathing.
As for your blurred vision, it's possible that it may improve over time. However, it is important to listen to your body and not push too hard. If the symptoms persist, it may be worth talking to a doctor or medical professional.
In terms of staying calm through the vibrational stage, it may be helpful to focus on your breath and practice meditation techniques to stay centered and grounded.

Additionally, it's important to ensure that you are creating a comfortable and relaxing environment for yourself when attempting astral projection. Dim the lights, avoid distractions, and make yourself as comfortable as possible. You may also find it helpful to listen to relaxing music or guided meditations to help you reach a meditative state.
Ultimately, the key is to practice persistence and patience. It may take time and practice to fully master the art of astral projection, but with dedication and consistency, you will likely find that your sessions become more comfortable and successful over time.
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