An Unexpected Return...

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An Unexpected Return...
Post # 1
Hey and Merry Meet (again?),

Today, I was inspired to try to log back into this account. I got very lucky and guessed what my username was, and I am now officially making my return.

My name is Stacie. I have gone under the usernames teenwitch08 (cringe worthy; I was a kid), LunarGoddess, Sullenmoon, and this one originating back to 2008 in total. I am so glad to be back; the nostalgia is rolling. With my Contributor status, I'd love to have discussion and provide magickal advice/ideas as needed. It's time to get back into spiritual shape. :) My mailbox is always open, fellow witches!
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Re: An Unexpected Return...
Post # 2
Welcome back to the community, Stacie! It's wonderful to see a familiar face from the past make a return. Those old usernames may indeed be a little cringe-worthy now, but they also mark a beautiful journey of growth and evolution.

With your Contributor status and wealth of experience, I'm sure you'll have a lot to offer in discussions and advice. The nostalgia is certainly strong!

Looking forward to having you back here, getting back into spiritual shape, and keeping those mailbox conversations going. Once again, welcome back!
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