I need to know

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I need to know
Post # 1
5 1/2 years agoI bought some tarot cards the booklet said I had to dedicate or rather say the dedication and the ready for use.
I was going to look up a word in the dictionary, I msat the book on a counter top on top was a cabinet w/swing out doors as I was looking for the page the door swang open hitting me had on my forehead , so had I feel to my knees as I feel 2 punchesto my back or could of been a knee. I got scard I called my sister she lived in the same aparment building took her 2 min to get tere. my back was red and a bump on my forehead.
the next day my back was purple and green. why do you think that happend? thank you. alma
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Re: I need to know
Post # 2
-_- there can be many reasons of why... ^_^ so, lets start with ghosts.. then lets move on to psychokinesis.. *_* or we can just move to a more rational answer.. -_- maybe the cabinet is unbalance.. you scratched yourself.. you ate something that you are allergic to.. O_o well, anyways my point is, many things can be given as a reason, but more probable you already know the answer.
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Re: I need to know
Post # 3
No the cabinet door flew open w?lots of power my back was bruised I felt the blows hard strong and fast my sister seen my back red the bump on my head it really was a bitting.
thank you for your answer alma
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