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Post # 1
i want some simple spells, like the first spell you ever did and why.

i also want to get magick in my body so i can use it to make my own spells.

also, does anyone know of a spell that would make my temperature rise to like 101 lol i want out of a giant test tomorrow. thanks!
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Re: ???
Post # 2
"i want some simple spells, like the first spell you ever did and why." - I used a stopping bleed one, that's the only spell I ever did and have done.

"i also want to get magick in my body so i can use it to make my own spells." - The power of magick lies within your will and your energy, there's more to it, but that's the general things needed.

"also, does anyone know of a spell that would make my temperature rise to like 101 lol i want out of a giant test tomorrow. thanks! "
Face your tests, never fear, fear only confuses and hinders you, do not worry about marks, they also destroy equality and put down others with lower marks. What matters in life is what YOU want to do, whether you pursue your goals in life, is up to you. It is your will that will motivate you, it is your PHYSICAL energy that you will use to achieve your goal if your goal is a physical one.
This isn't Harry Potter sorcery I'm afraid, practice will help you accustom to certain things, but no one is ever perfect, not even God (if you're a christian) because perfection is a perspective thing and what exceeds all of one's expectations means perfect. Something that doesn't match or exceed even just ONE expectation, that something is deemed not-perfect by the person who set the expectations.
Start of with psi balls for spiritual energy work. You can warm/heat your hands up, but not till its boiling..
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Re: ???
Post # 3
first spell was to make myself get over bad cold because i wanted to

magick does lie within ourselves but it is also within the air the ground well it is everywhere and to tap into its power you must first believe and think that nothing is impossible because with magick it isnt

as for the temperature just stand outside in the cold for a bit with no shoes on soon get a really nasty cold he he from experience
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Re: ???
Post # 4
Umm i haven't gotten any spells to work....yet. I tried a good luck spell.

There is no way to physically get magic in your body. You have to want it, more than anything, i now realize.

As for the huge test, you're just going to have to make it up, right? So why not just get it over with?
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Re: ???
Post # 5
If i remember right my first spell was rain spell,i pushed energy from earth to me,then opposit,then from earth to sky,for sake of rain.

Magick is not a thing,its not a flash of light nor anything cheesy like it.

We all have chaos in ourself and this chaos is reffered as "magick",the primal black flame of chaos.

Ho is god but man that wields the force of chaos?

Here old trick for raising temperature: eat a raw potato.
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Re: ???
Post # 6
Umm why would you want your temp to rise????

My first spell was for my grandson who was having trouble at home and it worked really well. I practise raising power and visualisation also the person was very close to me and I had a lot of energy to give to the spell.

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Re: ???
Post # 7
My first spell was to talk the fire from a burn ,it worked.IDK about the Fever?
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