Well Hello^^

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Well Hello^^
Post # 1
My name is Rico i am 17yrs old ive been practicing since the age of eight i was in a small coven with my baby sitter and thats how i came to learn. in time she had to leave me and move on to a more desireable place and i practiced on my own. With my studys and practice ive learned that i can see glimpses of the future when i sleep..i do not dream only see the whats to be..i love nature its always been there for me when noone else was i grew up with no friends and its left me timid plz dont be offended if i do not warm up to you right away im sure with time ill come too except you
Now a days im creating my own coven right now its only me and my Water Amber Ive grown very attached to her and i see great potentual in her aura. She will grow to be strong. thoe iive practiced for almost 10 years i have a lot to learn My intrests are to be a white witch i want to heal and make others happy and i also want to remove spirits that do not mean well. theres much more about me that i can not just put on a form but if u care to know me i will be happy to know you as well
thank you for your time and patience
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