Break Up Friendship

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SpellsBeauty  ► Bad Luck  ► Break Up Friendship
Your enemy and your friend became friends? Not a problem! Use this spell to break up their friendship.

Casting Instructions for 'Break Up Friendship'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

Chant the following:

"The Bees and Beasts
Let (friend) and (enemy)
Become mortal enemies".


Added to on Aug 18, 2012
Last edited on Dec 16, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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can karma come to me if i do this spell?

Jan 11, 2021
That depends on whether or not you actually believe in karma. Not all faiths have the concept of karma in them. In Wicca, there's the Three-Fold Law. In Christianity, there's the whole ''Sow what you reap'' verse. It essentially depends on what you believe.

Do I need anything for this and how many times do I chant. Thanks

Also has anyone done this if so did it work. Thanks

I don't think a simple chant would work and break anyone's friendship instantly.

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