Make anybody break up

SpellsBeauty  ► Bad Luck  ► Make anybody break up
This spell is to make anybody break up with each other (may not break up if the love is really strong)

Casting Instructions for 'Make anybody break up'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • -A few pictures of them together
  • -A red lighter
  • -A night they are on a date
  • -At night
  • -Alone park,house,ect.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • -A few pictures of them together
  • -A red lighter
  • -A night they are on a date
  • -At night
  • -Alone park,house,ect.

light a picture on fire Everytime you burn a picture say:

Venus,Cupid,Eros 3 love experts I adore please separate (name) and (name) they are not very good together so please hear my plea so mote it be



Added to on Apr 05, 2018
Last edited on Jul 08, 2019
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I feel this is missing a few steps. This could work, but it seems to rely a lot on these deities so make sure you have an offering of thanks.

Sep 30, 2019
Thanks for giving out all the advice on spells!

Jan 26, 2022
I have a question. I have 2 candles connected by the wick and I’ve been wanting to use it in 1 of my favorite shows “The Chilling Tales of Sabrina” their is a spell to get rid of your feelings by carving your name and the other persons into it and Ik the spells on the show are fake but I wonder if that certain spell could be repurposed as a break up spell.

Jan 27, 2022
Setting aside my feelings towards that show, if the candle is like the one in the show [two separate candles with one wick] it can work as a type of cord-cutting. [if it's one candle with two wicks, that would be used for love binding spells] You would carve the full name of each person into the wax [one name per candle. the candle represents the person] then surround the individual candles with a ring of salt [you can add other cleansing/protection herbs if you desire] Light the candle, let the wick burn apart, then leave the candles to burn out. I would visualize a cord attaching you to the other person [or if it's a couple, themselves] then imagine the spiritual cord being cut and the two people walking away from each other. You should also do a cleansing so there's no lingering energy of this person [I also recommend writing a farewell letter and burning it] if this is meant as a breakup between two people and not yourself and another, it should still work, but I would either add baneful herbs for breakups or do a breakup spell as well as a cord cutting.

Jan 28, 2022
Thanks for the info one last question one of the people have a really long name so do you mean first and last or full full name

Jun 09, 2024
I am glad that you keep it real on every post. Every time I read a spell here, I look for your comments to fact check. Thank you, keep it real, sis.

Hi there! I don’t have the name or a photo of the other woman he cheated on me with. Could I use a nickname, or make a stick figure drawing of her?

Jan 02, 2020
All of it is focused on intention, right? That should work just as well as an actual image. However, names have a lot of power, so maybe you should do so snooping.

If the lovers are in a long distance relationship they won't be on an actual date. Would this work?

Apr 23, 2020
tresyelo, I suppose it would work still. I am guessing it would be a little harder to do though.

Is it okay if I use a lighter that's not red? How many pictures would you recommend and do they all have to be different?

Apr 22, 2021
i tried with 4 pictures and it worked but use a red lighter or it would not work good luck....

i used this to break up my ex boyfriend and his girlfriend because she deserves better.

I might use this to break up my ex and her boyfriend, then do a spell to give me some confidence to tell her that I still love her and want to get back together.

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