
SpellsBeauty  ► Body  ► Invisibility
Makes you invisible for how long you want.

Casting Instructions for 'Invisibility'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Pink candle
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Pink candle

Say 10x: "Let me not be seen, so mote it be". If you want to be seen, say 10x: "I want to be seen, so mote it be".


Added to on Apr 21, 2013
Last edited on Mar 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Lighting a candle and saying ''i'm invisible'' will not work. Grounding your energy can make people overlook you, but you will not become physically invisible.

Feb 16, 2025
And how do you do that

Feb 17, 2025
Ground your energy? There are many grounding techniques so find the one that works for you, but I decrease my energy and imagine myself turning invisible. This lowers my energetic signature, but you will then need to not cause a scene. I typically used this while playing hide and seek with my friends, but I also used it in classes where I did not want to be bothered. It does not work every single time, but it worked most of the time.

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