Turn Into Any Creature

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SpellsBeauty  ► Body  ► Turn Into Any Creature
Just as the spell says- use this spell to turn into any fiction or non-fictional creature.

Casting Instructions for 'Turn Into Any Creature'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Anything to represent the creature you want to be
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Anything to represent the creature you want to be

Get the Items or Drawings or Pictures (of the Items if it's picture or Drawing) to represent your creature and say this chant two times: "O' please all dimensions gather for this moment, please make me a (Creature you want to be then say the details in advance of what powers you want, Ect. It's best to write it all down on a spare piece sheet of paper before you do this.) Please oh please may this happen"

Then keep the items with you for at least 2 Hours before putting them in the bin ( only bin if it's Drawing or Picture) and if the dimension agrees to it then you will eventually get your powers, weapons, behaviors, etc.


Added to on Jul 31, 2014
Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Magik will not physically transform you into any creature. You can incorporate their imagery into your craft and channel their energy when you need to exemplify the archetype they represent. You will not transform into the creature.

Mar 18, 2025
Hey it is worth a try

Mar 18, 2025
No... in this case it really isn't. The only things to potentially come as a result are false hopes, which become broken hopes.

Mar 20, 2025
@DarkMagic2, I would not waste my time and energy on it because you cannot physically transform with a shapeshifting spell. If you wish to try it, nobody will stop you. The only harm I see coming from it is either a build up of energy in your body with nowhere to go, because the spell does not work. Or, as Spirit76 mentioned, the potential harm from false hope.

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