Dimensional Energy Manipulation
To control the world around you as you rightfully should. May this be a guide to making your own spells and connecting to yourself to cast 'magic' the science of tommorow...
You will need the following items for this spell:
- Your will and dedication.
- Your Mind
Casting Instructions for 'Dimensional Energy Manipulation'
Making a Psi Ball
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Now I have it ready... The representations of colors remain true, they are the energys of our aura and intentions. One dimension of vision gifted by the pineal gland with the crystal formed in the center. It produces most the DMT in your mind. Using it the crystal projects the lights in our vision to show more with more DMT. It is basically an eye and you can see it open. This allows you to see the colors of power. Other dimensions I need studie more to know how we see. You can see the force of a kii ball and healing energys which are other dimensions.
Kii balls, better known as psi or force balls, are composed of a constant energy flow from our hands and through our chakras. Studie them and yourself. We can use our willpower to move sorounding energy into the energy balls. And using the proper geometry we can change and create in our world. Or so it seems, reaching other realms to pull in energy and change reality. Willpower is put in belief and belief worps reality. This is what many call our ''gift from god'' because only humans posses this at the hight of our evolution.
Outside our auras most of us can't see the rushing major amounts of energy. Our own energy constantly manipulate it to have a feeling and color pattern healers often use without seeing this energy. It is also what flows through many cristals and rocks. Cristal healers use this along with a force based energy. The psi balls can be morphed to healing energy between your hands with shaping them flat and slightly inward arced and the feeling of calm, love, heat. Physical heat van be felt from that when done properly.
Another dimension is the shadow realm... Exists in the shadows and best in the shadow of the Earth. We unintentionally make demons here all the time that follow us and can be seen. You can sharpen you vision to see them all. It has a direct connection to the austral plane and the betrayer's demons posses our demons to reach us through them. Show people then begin to appear. The shadow realm is harmless to humans though, only if you let it in you mind can it do damage. Shadow magic and the shadow realm are a result of our universes colliding. It expanded and now it all comes back together. Heaven and Earth are the final collision. For the far future though... Many get shadow magic and dark magic confused. Dark magic has been around for a long time.
Those are dimensional energys, not all of them though. The rest are to be discovered. Dimensional Realms are a story for a another day.....
Energy produced(or transmuted) by your chakras change and have the reactions in our mortal plane dependant on your willpower's choice. Emotion and colors from your aura and any other corisponding energy to do whatever you want. Crack into other dimensions effect peoples moods and even enchant. The PSI ball not only can be formed between thou's hands but also off other objects. And this will give a slight push just like you feel in a psi ball. Test it on paper and then even use psi serges to move things and bigger objects. This is called telikanisis.
Enchanting is the filling of energy with intentions into a object. The same as Alchemy, in the potion aspect anyway. Alchemy is much more complicated and baised off spiritual evolution. Enchanting is like this as it involves a energy reconstruction guided by willpower's intention. Your own energy and the energy of the room can be used. So learning to fill a room with a energy essence can be essential. Light energy can be used too. Natural sources are used for this like them moon and the Sun. The sun is for experienced energy manipulatists. The moon is a powerful easy to use energy to enchant with. The moon means to strengthen, sharpen(not physically but on blades it give unexplainable kinetic energy), and speed up in darkness.
The colors are important for making portals to other planes and dimensional realms. The shapes made by the brain thought process make a change to the energys on every dimension. The geometrys are a power that applys to all energy working forward the same cause for each shape. That is the first line of command nodes. Similar to how numbers apply to a computer program. The Triangle represents fire, fire represents change. Which makes sense as to why many don't like change, we must change in fire.
The art of runes is composing shapes to represent other shapes that are cast a dimensional level. With practice one can see. The cast command is the shapes on the ''console dimension'' the runes command these directly. Each rune school has a different system that activates these ''console dimension'' shapes. Most are programmed by a human mortal preforming the shapes in their brain matrix. Just like enchanting, mixing potions, making energys, it all uses the ''console dimension.'' Most know to use this with intention, manifestation of thought. What this ''console dimension'' does is to be explained later. Until then it is your equation to hack, see, own.
Intention programs console dimension action in short periods of time. vok kii rok krosis
A much more powerful magic exists that has do with dimensional magic derectly.Those that believe they are worthy, and need to use ''raw power magic''(a destruction magic) should contact me... or if you think you know what it is, as it is a worthy discussion for knowledge. If you have never heard of it and find no grand or crucial reason to use it then you may not be worthy of such information.
Isroll2.0 has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Dec 19, 2016
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I was expecting it to be funnier given the description (New to Disney parks ''magic: The Science of Tomorrow'') but it was just the ramblings of someone who wishes to sound enlightened. Magik on the physical is a force of nature. There are deities who specialize in Magik, but Magik does not come from any one god, it comes from nature. Hence why you do not need to work with a deity to practice Magik. You cannot defy natural law on the physical plane because Magik is a natural force. Magik is not good or evil, it certain is not black or white. It is a neutral force that gains a charge by interacting with us. Black Magik is not automatically evil, and white Magik is not therefore automatically good. This is a long held misconception. Magik is Magik. If you wish to go to the shadow realm (as seen in Yu-Gi-Oh) or other planes of existence, you can through astral projection and deep forms of mediation. You do not create a really powerful psi ball and enter another dimension. Since you briefly touched on Alchemist, I feel I should mention they are not higher beings, they are ancient chemists and the practice is still around today, though certain beliefs have changed over time. Sacred Geometry, colour correspondences and enchanting objects are all real concepts, but are not higher powers to unlocking the keys to other dimensions as you seem to claim. Runes gain their power form spirits associated with each rune. Working with the runes is like working with a spiritual being like a fae, mermaid, or other spirit. You need to show the runes some level of respect, traditionally a blood offering, and form a connection with them in order to fully utilize their potential. Simply assuming the symbol alone has limitless power that you can exploit is probably the quickest way to upset the spirits and get yourself cursed. In conclusion, do not contact this person, do not waste your time with this spell that should be an article. If you see a term that interests you, Google it, it will be a better use of your time.
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