Cleansing Bodily Negative Energy

SpellsBeauty  ► Cure  ► Cleansing Bodily Negative Energy
This is the best way to clean your negative energies!

Casting Instructions for 'Cleansing Bodily Negative Energy'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 White Candle –
  • 1 Black Candle –
  • 1 Green Candle –
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 White Candle –
  • 1 Black Candle –
  • 1 Green Candle –

Clear your mind and light the white candle. Say the following incantation:

"“Mother Earth, Fire, Wind, Water and Spirit,
I ask thee to cleanse my body of all negative energies”"

Light the black candle and say the same thing. After this light the green candle and say the following incantation:

"“Mother Earth, Fire, Wind, Water and Spirit,
I ask thee to free and heal
My body from all negative forces.
Blessed be!”"

Sit back, and keep your mind clear for fifteen minutes. After this you should feel renewed and fresh.

Three Red Leaves Spell
This spell is used to protect the mind against things such as nightmares, negative thoughts and “invasions of evil”. First you must gather three red leaves from any tree, plant or bush. Lay them in a triangle on a flat surface. In the centre of the leaves, place an already lighted candle, and place a few drops of chrysanthemum oil on each leaf.

Say this incantation three times:
"“Red leaves, gift from earth,
Birth to death and death to birth,
Keep all evil far away,
Day to night and night to day.”"

Then extinguish the candle, and wrap the leaves in a white cloth or pouch. Place this near your bed within three feet of your head and it will stop all nightmares and negative thoughts.


Added to on Oct 28, 2011
Last edited on Oct 23, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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