Spell To Repair A Friendship

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SpellsBeauty  ► Cure  ► Spell To Repair A Friendship
If you and a friend have had a bad fight, use this spell to ease tensions and help you set things right.

Casting Instructions for 'Spell To Repair A Friendship'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A pink or white candle
  • Something to inscribe a symbol on the candle
  • Nice paper and a pen
  • An envelope
  • Materials to make a small, thoughtful gift that your friend would appreciate
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A pink or white candle
  • Something to inscribe a symbol on the candle
  • Nice paper and a pen
  • An envelope
  • Materials to make a small, thoughtful gift that your friend would appreciate
Carve a symbol for friendship on the candle. It could be a picture of two clasped hands, a heart, an appropriate rune, etc.; or you can carve a symbol for peace, like a dove, to help ease tensions. Invoke a deity (perhaps your patron/matron deity) to bless your rite. If you don’t invoke a deity, you can appeal instead to the general powers or forces that be. Meditate or breathe deeply for awhile to center and focus yourself. Then gaze at the candle flame and address your invoked deity (or general forces) and say:
''A friend and I have had a fight
I need some help to make things right
I truly want to stay good friends
So help me, then, to make amends''
Draw the symbol you carved on the candle at the top of the paper. Then write down what you feel: what you’re sorry for, what you’d like to have happen, how you feel about your friend, why you’d like to remain friends, etc. Sign your name at the bottom of the paper. Then take the materials to make your gift and put it together. As you begin, say:
''I make this gift with love and care
In hopes that it will help repair
The damage done, the hurt and pain
And help our friendship to remain''
Pour love and compassion into the gift as you make it. Visualize it glowing with a soft, peaceful, loving light. When you’re done, place the gift as well as the paper inside the envelope. Seal the envelope with wax from the candle. Gaze at the candle for a little while and visualize your fight coming to an end or your friendship returning to an undamaged state. Think of having a conversation with your friend and imagine everything going well and the fight being resolved. When you’re ready, give thanks and close your circle. When you next see your friend, give him/her the envelope. Have a sincere conversation and do your best to heal the friendship.


Added to on Sep 12, 2013
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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