Beginner's Minor Healing Spell

SpellsBeauty  ► Cure  ► Beginner's Minor Healing Spell
This spell helped cure my sneezes and involves sigil magick. After casting it, try not to think about it too much or it backfires a bit. Same goes with all spells involving sigils.

Casting Instructions for 'Beginner's Minor Healing Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Green Pen/Highlighter
  • Palms
  • Night
  • Positive emotions
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Green Pen/Highlighter
  • Palms
  • Night
  • Positive emotions

1. Sit down outside or in your porch. If you don't have a porch, a balcony works as well. Meditate for a few seconds and charge your pen/highlighter. To charge it, simply imagine white light inside you flowing into the pen/highlighter.

2. Draw a sigil involving what you want to heal.A good sigil making site is Sigil Scribe. Maybe you want to heal an injury, than it should be something like "I want to heal the injury on my(wherever the injury is)". For me, I did something like "Make my sneezes go away". Than, draw a corresponding sigil on your palm with the charged pen/highlighter.

3. Say:

"Oh Moon's Silver Ray, make my (whatever you want to heal) go away"

4. Say two more times before saying something like "By the power of three so mote it be" or something.

5. While you say the spell, be sure to visualize yourself healed.



Added to on Aug 25, 2020
Last edited on Jan 25, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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