Moon Wishes

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SpellsBeauty  ► Cure  ► Moon Wishes
This spell uses candles and meditation. It can be done at both New and Full Moon, and uses the Moon’s energy. By meditating before you sleep you are opening yourself up to allowing the influences from your Higher Self – the part which knows what is right for you – to come through.

Casting Instructions for 'Moon Wishes'

This spell is part of our Moon Magic Series.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Five white candles
  • A coloured candle of your choice (perhaps
  • representing the wish or perhaps in the colour of
  • your astrological sign)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Five white candles
  • A coloured candle of your choice (perhaps
  • representing the wish or perhaps in the colour of
  • your astrological sign)

Clear your mind of all clutter or meditate for a short time to be sure you have clarified your wishes. Place the white candles in the shape of a pentagram where they can burn safely. Alternatively, if you prefer, light them according to the connecting lines of the pentagram again starting at the top.

As you do so say:
"Moon above which glows so bright
Guard my sleep so deep tonight
I pray to you with this request
My life works out at my behest."

Allow the candles to burn for at least half an hour before putting them out and composing yourself for sleep. The next morning light the other candle and meditate or contemplate your wishes for another thirty minutes. Spend some time visualizing what life will be -like when your wishes are granted. Repeat this whole procedure for the next -three nights.

Finally, on the fourth morning, relight all of -the candles and allow them to burn out while-you play some rousing music that means something to you. In the last hour while the candles are still burning reconsider your wishes and make any adjustments to them which seem realistic.

This spell does take some time to complete and also-requires that you spend a fair length of time in-contemplation. This does mean however that you-can be realistic in your expectations and there-should be few blocks to achieving what you want.There is little need to be frivolous.


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Last edited on Jul 27, 2018
Part of the The Immortal's Keep Library.


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