Draconic Wand

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SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Draconic Wand
This is how I made my wand. This is wand is durable, and makes a great gift for someone who practices draconic spells and fire magick.

Casting Instructions for 'Draconic Wand'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A branch no shorter than 12''
  • Fire
  • Ashes
  • A gem
  • Blood
  • Knife
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A branch no shorter than 12''
  • Fire
  • Ashes
  • A gem
  • Blood
  • Knife

Make a fire and then take your branch and roll it in the ash. Then say "Draconis enchenal magihl gemon enhan" (pronounced drae con is, N chen nal, ma Jill, gem on, N Han). Then wave the wand through the fire 3 times.

Make a socket (with the knife) in the wood, and put your gem in (best in the handle) and coat the blood on the tip on the wand. Now say, "Enchenal draconis blodvel magihl" And you hold your new wand.


Added to on Jul 01, 2012
Last edited on May 24, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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If it works for you fine, but you make a Draconic wand the same way you make a regular wand, only when you bless it you call on the Dragons, and maybe use Dragons Blood oil or incense in the process.

May 25, 2021
is it possible to become a real-life Dragonlord?

May 25, 2021
also, i dont have any access to magical materials and tools. i am only 14 and my parents think magic is stupid. they dont beleive.

May 25, 2021
first question: no, we work with Dragon's, we don't rule them. Second question: you can still be a witch and have zero tools. It looks cool to have an altar with all these fancy objects, but it's not necessary, what matters is you. Yes, these items contain energy that can aid your craft, but witchcraft traditionally was utilizing what was around us. Before electricity, people had candles, cooks in a cauldron, and grew their own herbs. It wasn't uncommon and nobody questioned it. Do some research and start practicing. A wand is a stick to direct energy [yes, the material used does affect the energy and can alter the casting but at the end of the day, it's a stick to direct energy] you can use your finger. Some people I know use toy wands, brushes, even a toothbrush [I've never owned a wand. I use an athame, which is a ritual knife used in basically the same way as a wand] Start meditating, journalling, going on nature walks, and practicing energy work. There are plenty of articles on this site, as well as other sites to help you learn. Youtube and TikTok have entire communities of witches [though, I would be cautious since there's a lot of fake. Look up HearthWitch on YouTube and go from there. On TikTok, I really like Cold.Brew.Karma, she does a series called ''witchcraft on the DL'']

Also, im a boy.so do i count as a wizard?

May 27, 2021
''Witch'' is a gender-neutral term. I'm told there is a small group of practitioners trying to reclaim ''wizard'' but I've never met a person [regardless of gender identity] who goes wizard. Witch, Pagan, occultist, heathen, even mage is more common than wizard.

This spell requires an edit. I do not know any draconic language so if this is genuine, fine, but I think it is just gibberish. Crafting a wand while setting your intention is how you make wands. Once you have made the wand, that is when you would dedicate it by anointing it and calling on whatever you work with to bless it.

what if i set my wand on fire?

May 17, 2024
Depending on the material, it will burn. Being a spiritual tool does not make it immune to fire.

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