Dracokinesis Initiationis Per Ignem

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SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Dracokinesis Initiationis Per Ignem

Casting Instructions for 'Dracokinesis Initiationis Per Ignem'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Preferably solitude, or at least a peaceful environment.
  • Fire (Required)
  • Voice (Required)
  • Knife (Required)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Preferably solitude, or at least a peaceful environment.
  • Fire (Required)
  • Voice (Required)
  • Knife (Required)
Sit in a meditative state and forget everything you have ever learned on a religious and scientific level. Move deeper into the recesses of your mind and find your primal instincts. Destroy this connection to human kind. Hold on and dispose of every thought in your mind.
Now take your knife and cut your palm and squeeze the blood into the fire.
''Tibi dico vobis draconibus igne audi sanguine robustos!''

Have faith that you are calling the attention of the Dragons. Meditate a while feeling power throb and course through you. Now channel that energy into your hand. Do not take care of the wound yet. Slowly reach out your hand towards the fire.
While moving your hand toward the fire say;
''Magnus potens draconum Urere carne mortali mortalis huius et da eos ambrosia sic illi licet surgere ab igne et destruere magnus inimicos draconum per phoneix fiant regeneramur in filios ignibus, sic fiat semper!''
If you dare shove your hand into the fire then quickly retrieve it.
You have now passed the Test of Fire.
Send me an e-mail if you have completed this spell or tried it.


Added to on Jan 07, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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no. so many things wrong with this, biggest one is do not reach into a fire with your bare hands, you will get burned. being a Dragon Mage doesn't mean we have fire powers, it just means we work with Dragons and do a lot of personal reflection. also, you don't have to ''forget everything you know about religion and science'' Dragon Magick isn't a religion or a science, it's a spiritual path that you can combine with religion and/or science.

Do not attempt. All that will happen is you will get seriously hurt.

I think you may have possibly killed a child by telling them to put their hand into fire

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