Sky Dragon's Skills

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SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Sky Dragon's Skills
Help you done what sky dragon done! Feels like you're friend of the sky dragon!

Casting Instructions for 'Sky Dragon's Skills'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 3 Blue candles
  • 3 White candles
  • Wand
  • Voice and Concentration
  • Daytime
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 3 Blue candles
  • 3 White candles
  • Wand
  • Voice and Concentration
  • Daytime

• Sit down and put 6 candles with zig zag pose (blue, white, b, w, b, w)
• Light the 3 white candles and say:


"Dragons, hear to me dragons! White as honor and 3 as symbol of dragon! I'm calling you and please hear me! I don't mean to harm you and please let me be dragon's friend! So please let me!"


• Light the 3 blue candles and say :


"Dragons, come to me dragons! Blue as sky and 3 as symbol of dragon! Let me be your friends, Sky Dragon! Give me your skills, so I will be famous in my world! For honor and thanks for you Sky Dragon! If you let me be your friends! Give me heal skill, and all of your skill! Hear and come to me Sky Dragon! Be my friend! For its my will! So let it be!"


Stay lighten up until it stopped
• And then visualise, your deal is accepted by the Sky Dragon and you have your skill!

*** Side Effects ***
Headache for 15 minutes after visualising
Feelings like you're the child of sky dragon
Feels you can do anything
Feels you have many skills


Added to on Jul 15, 2014
Last edited on Jul 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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...what? I think this is to befriend an Air Dragon or get powers or both? Either way I'm pretty sure it won't work. From everything I've learned so far Dragons are wary of humans and take a long time to build a relationship with. Even if you do have a solid relationship with one though I'm not sure it can grant you powers or abilities you did not have before like flight or healing instantly or whatever this is saying you get in return for doing this.

You are human, this spell does not work.

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