Summon your Inner Dragon

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SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Summon your Inner Dragon
Ever felt you had something underneath your skin? A fire inside your heart? It's time to find your inner dragon.

Casting Instructions for 'Summon your Inner Dragon'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Salt
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Salt
1. Go outside. You can preform this spell at anytime.
2. Sprinkle the salt around you in a circle.
3. Close your eyes and imagine your heart. Imagine your heart bursting into flames, and the fire pouring into your veins.
4. Chant,
''O dragons great and dragons wise, let me see with your eyes'' x3.

You'll feel gradual changes over the next week. On your last day, go into a field where you're alone and wait for your shift. If it didn't work, you haven't called your inner dragon. Keep believing.

Love and light!

Side effects:
Extra strength
Better sight
Hightened hearing and smelling
Dreams of flying and dragons


Added to on Jun 24, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You work with Dragons, there isn't an inner Dragon you can unlock, this spell is fake.

You do not have an inner dragon, this is fake.

With some slight tweaking this could be a means of creating Self-inspired determination and focused will towards a desired goal. .. To face your challenges with steadfast determination and passion. Or to be 'As determined as a Dragon' to reach your goals.

However this would not be useful as a creator of change, or any kind of transformation other than internal focus.This spell calls on drawing in a singular aspect or quality associated with dragons, an archetype which you then work to emulate in life.

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