Dragon Companion

SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Dragon Companion
A spell to summon a dragon egg.

Casting Instructions for 'Dragon Companion'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

Make sure you are in a quiet space on your own outside. Make sure you can see the moon. Sit cross legged and close your eyes, imagine your dragon, what it looks like, an element, a personality ect. Focus on your dragon, let calmness wash over you. Still focusing on you dragon, take a few deep breaths and say these words:

"Oh great moon, I call to thee,
Bring me my dragon, from an egg of (element),
A protector, A friend,
A bond with no bend,
I summon my dragon companion,
At the next moon, here it shall lay,
So Mote it be."

After saying go to sleep either there or where you're meant to sleep and your dragon should be where you tried the spell the next full moon. If you have true belief in magick and dragons then it should work, any spell works if you believe strongly enough.


Added to on Aug 02, 2015
Last edited on Sep 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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It didn't work, due to occasional sound disturbances.

Jun 20, 2019
It didn't work because you cannot summon a Dragon egg. Look into guided meditations or astral projection to talk to Dragons, but if you're being disrespectful they'll probably ignore you.

Look even if you summon a dragon you still need to bond with it which isn't easy even with a simple bonding

This is fake and does not work.

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