Summoning the Great Dragon

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SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Summoning the Great Dragon
Summoning and dragon magas only.

Casting Instructions for 'Summoning the Great Dragon'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 12 Stones
  • Campfire
  • Knife
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 12 Stones
  • Campfire
  • Knife

Find twelve stones of similar size and place them in a
circle and put fire wood in it. Start a campfire. Take
twelve more stones and place them around you in a circle.
Sit down and take a knife and trace a triangle with it.
Stare at the triangle until dusk and then stab the center.
After that, stare at the dusk sky, then into the fire. Say;




"Great dragon, I waken you from your sleep!"




Wait for the
rush. Then get inspired from the feelings.


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Last edited on May 28, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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There is no ''great Dragon'' and this won't summon any Dragon.

Unless you already work with dragons, I do not see this summoning anything. It requires more than saying ''here dragon'' to summon an astral being.

I can see this as the beginnings of a rite of inspiration. In this, one could approach the 'dragon' as an archetype of primordial fire and illumination.

I would recommend a rite like this when you feel blocked in some sort of creative task. For example writer's block or if you have been feeling uninspired to create, draw, paint, etc.

Create a stone circle, draw the triangle within the circle, then add wood and light the fire. Envision the earthen circle as your ideas, trapped and unmoving, stubbornly locked in place. As you draw the triangle, affirm it to be the doorway of your mind into those trapped ideas. Light the fire, declaring it a torch brought into the prison of your ideas, bringing light and burning away the cage holding them.

Once the fire has burned itself out, draw your athame and touch it to your brow. Then hold it over the ashes and embers (for only a second, as if bowing over them) then back up to touch your brow before putting it away. While moving athame from brow to embers to brow is when one would speak;

Great dragon, fire of inspiration. I call you from your sleep. Be hidden no longer. Share with me your grand tales. (Or, 'Show me the great paces you've seen.)

This would conclude the working as a call on elemental fire (under guise of the form of a dragon) to bring inspiration to your endeavors.

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