It is fake. You can create Egregores (thought forms which are made from your energy) for a number of reasons, but actual, physical things, I doubt that.
Hate to be the bearer of bad news but you can't create a Dragon. You can work with them, and most Dragon Mages have a Dragon Guide and Dragon Guardian they work with one on one, but they are not created to serve you or be a pet. They are your equal who guides and protects you.
First off magic is the act of using energy or directing it to a certain path it does not create physical things like wings or dragon eggs dragons are astral beings so i wouldnt doubt for a second that dragons are real just not in our plane of existence
Magick cannot create physical things. Dragons exist on the astral plane and we dont. Dragons dont exist on our plane, and besides, Dragons are our equals. Theyre not our servants or pets.
Let's just say this seems like something off of Wizards of Waverly Place if I could've had a dragon believe me I would have, please look at your research before you post man :/
The best one could hope for with a spell like this is the beginning stages of a thought-form or tulpa. With continual attention and focus, you could form a dragon-like construct. But it would not be a Dragon. It would be something you 'built' based on what you think a dragon is. Which is neither good or bad, but it means you are responsible for shaping it and its application/purpose.
Dragons as entities are self-contained beings with their own forms, minds, and attitudes. They are linked with and often actually -of- primordial energy, as they are significantly old beings. As such, dragons are not made. But they can be called to a purpose, and if a dragon hears you and finds you of a compatible sort then it will come say 'hi'.
If you wish to work with dragons, this is not the sort of spell that will bring you to your goal. Even if you just want to create a figment of imagination and give it a little life, this is would need a total refocus/re-imagining to have significant effect.
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