Winx Club spell

SpellsFantasy  ► Fairy  ► Winx Club spell
A spell yet to be tested to become a winx fairy. From my wattpad account.

Casting Instructions for 'Winx Club spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Need
  • Faith
  • Patience
  • 1 thing to represent your power(Candle/image of flame-fire powers) optional
  • Piece of jewelry(earrings, necklace, bracelet, etc.)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Need
  • Faith
  • Patience
  • 1 thing to represent your power(Candle/image of flame-fire powers) optional
  • Piece of jewelry(earrings, necklace, bracelet, etc.)

What to do:

  1. Put your jewelry on
  2. If you use the item to represent your power, put your energy hand over it and imagine using your power. If not, then skip this step.
  3. Meditate on what your form and powers are.
  4. Now say the following three times


Chant the following:

"Fairies far and wide, that lie in a realm hidden from my eyes.

Come to me, I ask of thee,

Gods and Goddesses of fairies,

To transform me into a Winx fairy.

I will soar throughout the skies with my wings of (color or colors depending on your form),

And with your great flow of energy, I ask kindly for you to grant me the form of (Charmix, enchantix, etc),

And the power of (Power).

And all I have to do to transform is say "Magic Winx!" and the form I am now,

Please let this come true.

My form and powers will be here in (Hours/days/weeks) time,

I thank thee.

So mote it be."



Added to on Jul 29, 2019
Last edited on Aug 15, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


Comments are open to members. Join today and be part of the largest pagan / new age community online.

Winx Club is a children's cartoon, you can't transform into someone in the show.

You cannot transform into a member of the Winx Club since it is a children's TV show and isn't real.

You cannot physically transform into a fairy. Winx Club is a kids show, not a documentary.

To everyone who saying this isn't real- I know and known for a few years now.I didn't fully understand the concept of magic at the time and since I furthered my research, I have a much better understanding now.

Jan 20, 2025
I wish to congratulate you for growing on your path. To admit you did not know then what you know now shows tremendous growth. I hope you did not take the comments personally, they were not directed toward you, but to combat misinformation. Blessed Be.

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