Summon Slender Man On An Enemy

  Rated 5/5 Stars
SpellsHealth  ► Death  ► Summon Slender Man On An Enemy
Slender Man maybe known to kill but hes like the Freddy Kruger of Germany. He gives people nightmares before killing them.

Casting Instructions for 'Summon Slender Man On An Enemy'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Paper
  • Pencil/Pen
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Paper
  • Pencil/Pen

You draw a note that says "Always Watching (X) No Eyes". After that's done you place it anywhere on his/her house (Window is recommended). wait for a few seconds, afterward his arrival will give your foe the worst of dreams.


Added to on Apr 14, 2013
Last edited on Mar 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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what if you share a room/house with the person?

May 25, 2019
Well personally I think this spell is a fluff (no offence to shadeshadow) so you wouldn't need to worry about that. If you want to hex the person who lives with you, I recommend trying a bad luck spell. Brightest Blessings.

Is it possible just a little effort like that will bring slenderman? i doubt it , also this is just only 3 sentence? rated 5 star?

Feb 26, 2022
This simplistic and still works? No. as for the five-star rank, it's a glitch. There is a glitch in that if five people rank it one star, it adds it up, but also, once a spell reaches five stars, it doesn't go down.

I am so scared of that working

This is fake and does not work. While one could argue Slender Man has become an egregore, he is a work of fiction. If one could summon his egregore, this too simplistic to work. You also do not call on Slender Man by name, nor do you tell him why you are summoning him.

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