Become a Creepypasta

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SpellsHealth  ► Death  ► Become a Creepypasta
This is my first spell. Its not actually mine, i borowed it from a friend. This is supposed to make you a creepypasta! Please message me and let me know if it works for you.

Casting Instructions for 'Become a Creepypasta'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Night
  • Woods
  • your voice
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Night
  • Woods
  • your voice
Go out into the woods at night and sit down. Say x15:
''I have come to be one with the life of one of death.''
After that you should becme a creepypasta!


Added to on Jun 26, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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i hope it works

Mar 06, 2019
A spell won't make you a creepypasta. Creepypastas are modern day urban legends, a spell won't make you one, you have to create a tale and spread it around.

Nov 07, 2019
Let me clear my throat... ok now listen Nekoshema stop ruining people's dreams let them dream let them do this don't stop them if they become it let them ok just your being to harsh even for me I was going to but then seen this and it made me feel bad that i even do this! stop being so harsh or you try it!

Nov 08, 2019
sorry, i wasn't being harsh with this response, i was stating a fact, and i even gave the person a way to actually become a creepypasta, so i fail to see how this one is harsh. if you want harsh Demonica, i could, but i really don't want to. i'm not an evil person who delights in hurting people, i deeply care about others and want to help them be successful on their path. spells of this nature don't work, so i'm explaining as such, and giving advice as to how to make this dream a reality. if they or someone else chooses to go ahead with the spell anyway, fine, its their choice, but don't get upset because you don't want to hear what real magick is and isn't capable of.

I just hope I can become one, although I don't think this one will work..

Mar 08, 2023
It doesn't work (i've tried it) but you can always make a tale up and post it online.

Uh..I'm sorry,but this won't work. Creepypastas are not real,and you can't become a one too.

This does not work.

YES! FINALLY *screams of fangirl*

Dec 06, 2023
This is not real. Real magic does not contradict reality.

Feb 09, 2024
look i just want to meet jeff.

Feb 09, 2024
Creepypastas are just modern folklore, they are not real. However, one could argue these beings [Jeff, Slenderman, so on] have become egregores. Look into chaos magick, chaos witches tend to work with egregores and pop culture figures.

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