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SpellsHealth  ► Death  ► *NO HUMANITY SPELL* DANGEROUS
I can not stress enough how dangerous this spell is I would not recommend trying this I only post this because I have been looking for a similar spell for a long time this spell works based on your concentration your utter disparity and hope to get rid of it to the EXTREME the catch when it works THERE IS NO REVERSE SPELL besides getting the person who made you turn your emotions off turn them back on

Casting Instructions for '*NO HUMANITY SPELL* DANGEROUS'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • •Hope, voice and Just hope.
  • •Pencil and paper
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • •Hope, voice and Just hope.
  • •Pencil and paper
Now Draw a flick light switch and yes on left and no on right
SAY SPELL 3 times.


Mind, Mind, Mind, Flick the switch.
Make me emotionless, Let me never to feel hate or hurt again.
Let me hear horrible things and never to breakdown with rain of tears. God God God you gave me this, You gave you the choice, You gave me the Choice, The Choice to never feel. I Will not hurt,... I will not feel. I shall not feel until it's dawn.
I Shall never ever feel again until it's dawn, I will remember my family who have passed away and family who are living as they are, but never shall I shed a tear of the passed away, I will not feel, I will not hurt, I will not hurt, I will never feel hurt.
From today and on I will not feel.
I will not care for the rest of my existence.
So mote it Be!

EFFECTS: **Don't worry you will not hurt anyone during the mind transtion.**


Added to on Jan 12, 2017
Last edited on Oct 31, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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how can we undo the spell ,should we do the reverse of it????

Aug 31, 2019
This spell specifically claims you cannot [though you cannot simply ''turn off'' emotions, they're a part of you. You're repressing them, so to reverse this specific spell you would need to get back in contact with your emotions, gain control, and work through them] you can reverse most spells by burning specific herbs with cleansing, healing, and/or reversal energy [for this spell items for balance and emotions] then say a chant, something like ''I messed up'' [not that specifically, explain what you did and why you need to undo it] sometimes theres a symbolic thing like cutting a cord or snuffing out a flame to symbolically stop the energy on its path. That's a basic reversal outline.

This will not work. It might bind emotions for a time, but repressing your emotions will end badly.

Omg... imagine if all the proxies did this pspell.

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