Raising the Undead

SpellsHealth  ► Resurrection  ► Raising the Undead
This will raise all dead beings in a small radius.

Casting Instructions for 'Raising the Undead'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None.

Chant: "Corpus levitas Diablo daminium mondo vicium."


Added to on Jul 19, 2015
Last edited on Sep 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Once something is dead it cannot come back to life.

Jan 26, 2020
Apparently you don't know how witchcraft works because one way a zombie is made is through witchcraft.

Jan 26, 2020
in faerie tales. in reality, zombies aren't real. I've heard there's a type of spell in some branches of Vodou which uses blowfish poison and other muscle relaxants in a potion which turns someone into a type of ''zombie slave'' but they're not dead, nor were they reanimated corpses. once the potion wears off, they're back to normal. magick doesn't contradict nature, bringing someone back from the dead does, so this doesn't work.

Oct 20, 2020
Why you make everyone sad

Oct 20, 2020
I don't. I'm stating facts about witchcraft and trying to help people. I've helped plenty of users and have gotten a fair amount of thanks for it. Sometimes, people just see my harsher comments that result in something ''cool'' being disproven and they get upset. You can work with the dead like necromancy or ancestor work, but you can't bring someone back from the dead sadly [if it was possible, I would have done it]

This does not work.

I believe in magic to the fullest extent there's no reason to want to do magic when your skeptical

Feb 01, 2021
Some people believe fully in magick but understand its limitations. Some are content with simply the law of attraction. Others wish to push the boundaries. All of these people are allowed to believe what they want and do what they want. Being skeptical of certain aspects doesn't mean you shouldn't practice, or that you're somehow invalid/wrong. It's like saying ''you shouldn't drive a car if you're not willing to drive it as fast as it can go.'' It's unwise and unsafe to do so.

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