Spell To Lose 20 Pounds

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SpellsLife  ► Attractive  ► Spell To Lose 20 Pounds
Caution This is very risky Cause you can die make sure your atleast a 200 pound beast!

Casting Instructions for 'Spell To Lose 20 Pounds'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Energy Drink
  • Cupcake
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Energy Drink
  • Cupcake
Put the energy in front of the cupcake
and say

Upon These Days I'm so fat that
I couldn't rage I wish to be
A Exercising Beast
If I loose the 20 Pounds
I need to see
I'll take care of your wife earth
Uranus, Venus I'll make you popular
Also I call upon the spirits to message your love ones
if you do this
Please For Sake
This Is my will
So Mote it be


Added to on Mar 17, 2012
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I hope this will work for me. Ya girl is mad desperate at this point.

Apr 14, 2019
I hope you are doing the mundane work involved in weight loss as well. No magic spell will make you lose weight if you don't do the work that is neccessary in the mundane world.

sorry, this won't work. it might motivate you as far as chants go, but there's better [and more effective] weight loss spells.

Dec 10, 2020
do you recommend some that do? i had a total thyroidectomy i havent been able to lose weight

Dec 10, 2020
No spell will make you lose weight instantly, and if you already can't lose weight for medical reasons, I don't think a spell will do much, but you can always try. Weight loss spells help with motivation and reducing cravings, but I'm sure you could use one and alter it to suit your needs [what do you feel would help you achieve your goal? reflect on what that is and how your life will improve as a result] I added one to the site that works for me, hopefully, it can help you as well https://www.spellsofmagic.com/spells/Beauty+Spells/Diet+Spells/13007/page.html Best of luck to you.

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