Ugly Appearance

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SpellsLife  ► Attractive  ► Ugly Appearance
Makes a magical mud which when applied to a person will cause their entire body to become ugly, even after it is washed off.

Casting Instructions for 'Ugly Appearance'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • stick
  • dirt
  • water
  • pan
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • stick
  • dirt
  • water
  • pan
To cast this spell you will need to boil some water. This can be done on a stove, but the spell's power is increased if cast over an open fire.

Put some water in the pan and bring it to a boil. The more water you boil, the more mud you can make. As the water is heating up say the following chant:

Water heat and come to boil,
Bless this liquid with tears and toil

Once boiling remove the pan from the heat and spinkle in the dirt, mixing it with the stick. As you do so say the following chant:

Muddy water make a slop
With which we will cause to stop
All those who look upon the soul
Who's poor body got the show
Of the magic in this muck
The vial, ugly, sludge of luck.

Once you have a thick mud and it has cooled down so you may easily pick it up, the mud will act like a reverse facial cream, making the wearer become uglier and uglier with the more mud that touches their skin.


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