Faster Hair Growth

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SpellsLife  ► Attractive  ► Faster Hair Growth
This makes hair growth faster.

Casting Instructions for 'Faster Hair Growth'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

Just chant 3 times:

"My hair shall grow like nasty weeds,
My energy will be like little seeds.
It will grow longer,
It will grow faster,
To my tailbone it shall be.
This is my will,
So mote it be."

Just do this twice a day, you should see results in a week.


Added to on Aug 31, 2012
Last edited on Nov 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Hope this works

Jan 20, 2019
What 1 did u do?

Just started this spell hopefully it will work!!! 🤪🤪🤪

Feb 18, 2019

Hope this spell works too.

May 05, 2019
did it work?

hope it wroks!!!

May 04, 2019
works, not wroks

Nobody answers. Smh.

Jun 29, 2019
Yah it works

Aug 03, 2019
No way! That's so cool!!!

Yeah it works

Oct 02, 2019
you've tried it?

Nov 14, 2019
does it? oh hecc yeh im trying this

Hoping this will work. I kinda miss my long hair and its really hard for a short hair with a wavy style.

Dec 28, 2019
Yeah. My hair is naturally wavy so having it short is difficult.

Hopefully this will work. I have been having such issues with trying to grow my hair

Will this work?

testing it out!

One of the few spells on this website that actually works. Thank you for sharing this.

what if im not speaking english, like should i say the chant in my language or in english...?

Apr 23, 2020
pastelfox17, I am sure it will work with every language. I could be wrong, Im just guessing. For advice, try saying it in your language and see if it works. If not then either the spell does not actually work or it could be because of you saying it in another language. Best of luck!

Apr 24, 2020
Cast spells in the language you're most comfortable in. The key is you understand what you're saying and say it with conviction. If you're nervous you're not pronouncing things correctly, or don't understand what a word means, you'll weaken your spell.

Oct 27, 2020
It'll work with every language. Magick has no language, so it can easily be adapted to any tongue

This spell works

No, it doesn't work. If you want your hair to grow, go spend four dollars on Wish. This spell does not work even with weeks of testing. Hope I didn't crush your dreams!

does this work?

Actually, it's supposed to be ''Finest weeds''. Just my opinion. Words have power, and who wants their hair to grow like nasty weeds when you can grow it like finest weeds instead?

Mar 19, 2021

it workt for me

Does it make hair thicker too? That's my only problem...

Dec 07, 2020
Maybe try keeping the intention of long, thick hair while casting. Also say ''It will grow thicker'' if you want

Dec 18, 2020
Thank you so much!

I just started this spell. My hair is already naturally thick and I just need my hair to grow faster and hopefully get rid of my silly cowlick! Lol. I got my hair shaved off back in January due to lice and the lice was eating my head and doing major damage to my hair so I had it shaved off . It is short right now and the hair at the top is sticking up. I just want it long and healthy again. I have had my hair shaved before but my hair grew in fast and beautiful and so healthy until the lice attacked again. I will keep you updated.

A chant alone will not change the rate at which your hair grows. You could say a chant while washing your hair or doing something to help the scalp. Even if this does work, it will not be a dramatic change. Hair grows at an average rate of 1/2 and inch per month, this spell might give you an extra 1/4 inch because Real Magik does not defy nature. I see this working as a glamour or illusion over actual hair growth.

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