Are you guys truly in love?

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SpellsLife  ► Attractive  ► Are you guys truly in love?
This spell determines whether or not you and your love are truly in love.

Casting Instructions for 'Are you guys truly in love?'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 red candle (scented)
  • 1 white candle (scented)
  • you and your love
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 red candle (scented)
  • 1 white candle (scented)
  • you and your love
First, make sure that today's weather (or whatever day you're doing this spell) is sunny. If it's raining, don't do it, or else you and your love will be in a lot of fights. If it's windy, I suggest you to not do it either, but you can, but results are that you might get into mild fights occasionally.

Now, find a room with at least 4 windows. Take 2 chairs and put them across from each other, so that you and your love are facing each other once you are sitting. Make sure that 2 windows are opened, the rest must be closed, including the door.

Now, put the red candle on the right side of you, and the white one on the right side of your love. Light the red one first, then the white. Make sure the you are thinking about your love, and your love is thinking about you.

Ok, now both of you close your eyes and just think about each other and your past for about 5 minutes. Let yourself breathe in the candle's scents.

Afterwards, each of you have to blow out your own candle, and sit in the dark for 3 minutes. If you get tensed up, it means you guys are not truly in love. If you feel tingly inside, and you feel unsure, well then, you're unsure. If you feel like you guys really mean a lot to each other, than you guys are truly in luv!



Added to on Feb 11, 2013
Last edited on May 28, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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