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SpellsLife  ► Attractive  ► Skinny
Spell to get skinny.

Casting Instructions for 'Skinny'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A mirror
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A mirror

Go to a mirror. Touch it and say, "I wish to be weightless, my thighs will be slim, I want to be __ pounds, thin body, thin limbs. My stomach will be flat, no matter what I eat, My hip bones will show, they're easy to see, this is my will, so mote it be." Say this 5 times. Then kiss the mirror.


Added to on Apr 02, 2013
Last edited on Mar 03, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Are you 100% sure this works?

Mar 23, 2019
Using magick won't make you skinny. Magick can only aid in your workout and help you be more motivated to do so. If you want to get skinnier, burn more calories than you consume.

Jun 19, 2019
It’s called going on a diet

Yes all these spells are very indeed possible. You have to cast spell the right way. What I do when I need an extra power boost to make a spell happen is after I say my spell. I say me and I put my finger in my mouth and push the spiritual power out of my finger like a lighting bolt into me. It makes it work and yes you will feel drained. You can’t just say spells and expect it to happen. You have to find away to make it happen.

May 30, 2019
Because if you just say it. Your just saying words

May 30, 2019
Yes and no. With this spell you can use this as a motivator and coupled with a healthy diet and exercise you should see quicker results. Not all spells are possible however, magick is a natural force of nature that works with, not against, nature. If a spell contradicts nature [turn invisible, fly, physically transform into anything] the spell won't work because magick doesn't contradict nature and these spells claim they do. Spells like this weight loss one should be used along with personal work to bring the change. You can loose weight slowly over time, this spell would make it easier for you.

Funny how everyone is answering for the author...

Jul 10, 2019
That's likely because the author is no longer a member of the site, and so cannot answer any questions about the spell themselves.

try water fasting or eating less calories. burning more calories than you consume on a consistent and daily basis. exercise to burn the calories = calories out, eat in a calorie deficit (just enough calories so you live that day haha) = calories in. make sure the number of calories out is greater than calories in! and make the calories in just enough so you can keep living and you won't starve yourself. :) hope that helps! don't over do anything including drinking too much water. you'll end up hurting your body and having to pee too much. drink 8 tall glasses of water a day. and stop there. stick to clean and healthy food. if you need a bit of sugar eat a piece of chocolate and move forward with your day. do a lot of ab exercises to tighten up your stomach. and don't try anything disgusting like an apple cidar vinegar drink. all those diet pills and get thin quick scam drinks are basically to suppress your appetite so you eat less throughout the day. drink plenty of plain coffee without milk or dairy or sugar, drink plenty of water and green tea throughout the day and you won't be hungry anymore. in fact, let the hunger pass. because you get hunger pangs or your hunger comes up different times throughout the day. those are the times throughout the day you've eaten before. if your the type of person who eats ALL HOURS of the day. you'll be hungry all day when you are water fasting. you just have to suck it up and deal with it until it goes away after a few weeks of trying water fasting. if you only normally eat 3 meals a day, during your water fasts you'll notice you only get hungry around those times. again, drink lots of green tea. if you don't like the taste thug it out! you got this. chug it. down! haha start small, do intermitted fasting first. eat 4 hours of the day, water fast 8 hours of the day. then bump it up to 16 hours of the day you water fast and then 8 hours of the day you eat food. and you'll notice you poop more often you become more regular that's good! and drink fruit juices, watermelons, water fruits and water veggies and soft smoothies and soft foods after your long fasts. like you can drink jamba juice smoothies, home made smoothies to get off your fast because your stomach becomes a little sensitive to food after going so long without it. you'll notice you get less hungry and you become accustomed to wanting to eat healthier food choices. and salads and stuff. and you become nauseous when you eat mc donalds or burger king or junk food like fries and twinkies lol. never go back to the way you used to eat before. if you really want to become thinner you'll know if you do or don't based on your efforts or your motivation. if you are not motivated to become thinner then tell those jerks to back off you and stop bullying you about your weight. that's what your supposed to do. Good luck Witches! remember, spells are all in the mind. and they manifest results. YOU are the magick. YOU create, inspire change and MANIFEST! ***

Simply stating your desire will not work.

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