Nice Skin

SpellsLife  ► Attractive  ► Nice Skin
This should help you get a smooth acne free complexion in about a week.

Casting Instructions for 'Nice Skin'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Fresh spring water
  • 7 fresh picked dandelions
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Fresh spring water
  • 7 fresh picked dandelions

Pour a cup of spring water and hold it in your hands near your mouth. Speak "Oh gods and goddesses grant me purified silky skin so my beauty can shine and others will see the powers of yours devine.Let this water be magnified with your powers to do so. As I will so mote it be!" Drink the water.

Then with a freshly picked dandelion hold it and say "Bless this plant of the earth 7 times as I will eat one for 7 days so that you may grant me beautiful skin. Oh goddesses and gods,as I will so mote it be!"

Eat the bulb of the dandelion (Wash it before the spell of course).Thank the gods for their gifts after and be sure to go out and pick a dandelion each day for six more days. Wash it and eat it and at the end of seven days rethank the gods and go look in the mirror.You should see a nice glow to your skin starting.


Added to on Sep 24, 2014
Last edited on Jul 18, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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