Make Someone Ugly

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SpellsLife  ► Attractive  ► Make Someone Ugly
Make anyone ugly with this easy curse.

Casting Instructions for 'Make Someone Ugly'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Nothing
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Nothing
Think of the person you want the spell to happen to.
Then repeat:

'Take away 'name's beauty,
Fill them up with ugly,
Make them gain a lot of weight,
Don't make it late,
A spot explosion on their face,
Blotchy, ugly, a waste,'

All the little details will be affected too!


Added to on May 23, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Might work, but I doubt the person would wake up the next morning 50lbs heavier with acne. They might feel the heaviness of the negative energy, people might perceive them in a different light, and they might snap at people for no reason.

Aug 02, 2019
Spells take time to work, and different spells work in different ways... I think this spell shall take few weeks to few months...

Mar 05, 2020
if u do this spell would it like backfire or like a karma or something happens to u

Mar 05, 2020
All spells have the potential to backfire. If this was to work I doubt they wake up deformed, more likely people see them for their inner beauty [if they're a fickle and mean individual] or they could have sudden acne. Should this backfire, you might notice similar, people saying you're mean or your skin is suddenly greasy and blotchy. You might also look fine but feel bad.

Finnally thanks ive been searching for a spell like this

It worked for me when I put it on these two chicks last year lmao. They kept making Facebook posts and videos talking about how they were breaking out and etc.

Jun 13, 2022

You cannot physically change someones appearance, especially not with a chant. At best, you could cast a glamour, or the negative energy you sent towards them could make them stressed and that would cause poor sleep and it would appear on their face.

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