Fountain of Youth

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SpellsLife  ► Attractive  ► Fountain of Youth
This is to make an enchanted bath that allows you to look young, and will also fix problems caused by old age.

Casting Instructions for 'Fountain of Youth'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A red, pink, or white candle
  • A bathtub full of water
  • Herbs (optional)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A red, pink, or white candle
  • A bathtub full of water
  • Herbs (optional)

Say this three times:

"I make this tub my fountain of youth,
I'll never grow old,
and that's the truth,
my immortal body shall be proof,
let this tub be my fountain of youth."

After saying that three times, get in the tub, and think about what you want reversed, or what you want to look younger. 


Added to on Dec 08, 2016
Last edited on Jan 07, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Another spell claiming if you tell yourself you can do something it will work. Magick does not contradict nature, you will grow old and die because you are a mortal human, a bath with a few candles and happy thoughts won't change this very real fact of life.

Feb 17, 2019
Just leave the immortal section then. Stop wasting your time writing comments like that and leave people to believe what they wish to.

Feb 27, 2019
I'm trying to point out which spells do not work to help people. I don't want them to waste time on fake spells, get discouraged and leave the path. If you understood how magick works you would understand why I commented instead of going ''believe and it will work'' because, no, that's not how real magick works.

Apr 24, 2020
I agree that people should be left to believe in what they believe in as pagans i’m sure all of us have had some christian tell us we are crazy but nekoshema is right to point out fake spells it would be a shame for a young witch to turn away from pagan beliefs and magick because of one fake spell not working

Aug 03, 2023
Obviously this isn't for you hun. If you don't have faith and belief than of course its not gonna work. Why come into this site if your not a believer? Sending Negativity tword someone who clearly has faith and believes full heartedly in what they do is wrongful doing ..

Aug 04, 2023
@Suzy777 are you calling Owlbert [User581298] and I non-believers or DianeOkumura? If you're referring to Diane, she was new to the craft and didn't know what was and wasn't possible. If this is Owlbert and me, we do believe [one of the reasons Owlbert left this site was because they were sick of people who didn't know a thing about witchcraft and magick threatening and insulting them] I've been practicing witchcraft for over half my life and wanted to help new members by explaining why this spell doesn't work. [and as a result, people can get pretty vile, so I try to only reply to select comments now for my own energy and sanity] Reading over your other comments and your profile, however, I feel you're having a spiritual crisis and are lashing out at people who are trying to help [and our help is upsetting because it doesn't align with your view] If you believe in Jesus and The Bible, go to scripture, pray, journal, and definitely do some light shadow work. As for why your gifts have stopped, there are a few reasons. From personal experience, as we age, our clairvoyant abilities wane. It doesn't mean they're gone, simply doesn't come as easily and you need to work at it [like art skills, don't expect to stop painting for a decade and return to your full skillset] It could also be a build-up of negative energy blocking your abilities [this is normally the result of daily life. Interacting with others can cause energy to stick to us and negative energy is extra sticky, especially if we already have a lot. Negative emotions can also charge negative energy and if we don't cleanse ourselves and our homes regularly] Third reason is your body's protecting yourself. When we have a traumatic experience in the spiritual, our body will lock that part so we don't get hurt again. You need to slowly work with it and regain your strength [like when a runner breaks their ankle, they need rest and physiotherapy before they can return to the sport] Lastly, regarding your questions [side note, don't call me hun, there's no need for condescension] Nobody's sending negativity to anyone. I've been on this site since high school [but didn't make my account until college] which means I'm on this site because I believe in magick and witchcraft and because I've got friends on this site I enjoy talking with about magick and witchcraft. [and they're literally the only reason I still come here because the second I venture away from my mail it's just insults being spewed at me for trying to help] If you're upset by a random users comment saying ''This is not how magick works'' you can always not respond and instead sit with yourself and reflect on why it triggered you so much instead of attacking the user. [And I'm not trying to insult you, it's advice to help with shadow work]

True words diane and agree with you

Dec 21, 2020
Nekoshema was right and she is trying to help people diane said for her to get off the site and she has no right at all to tell nekoshema to do

This will not stop the aging process and make you appear younger. You could place herbs in the tub and turn it into a beauty ritual, but as is, it will not do anything.

Aug 03, 2023
Are you not a believer? I've seen so many comments from you on others spells... I'm just curious.. are you not a believer in what anyone does on here?? I've done spells and they have worked 100%... so what do u not believe in the power of magic, faith and belief?

Aug 03, 2023
Have you not read my profile? Have you not come across a single explanation I have posted? Have you not seen the dozens of positive and helpful reviews of spells I have left, or are you simply looking through the fantasy spells and seeing me stating Real Magik does not work like you see in films? I am a believer. I was raised in The Craft and I find these fake spells insulting to my religion and quite predatory to new members who do not know the difference. Also, my comment you are replying to is saying what is not possible, but how you can edit the spell to work.

Aug 03, 2023
Suzy, magic has limitations. It doesn't work exactly as seen in fiction. I'm not sure what spells you've done that have worked and violate the laws of nature, but magic can't make anyone immortal or drastically reverse the effects of aging. It's a fact of biology that things are born, live and die. You can use magic to perhaps make it more likely that you'll live a little longer or age more gracefully, but you'll die just like everyone else. I acknowledge that many people have different views of magic and what it can do (I'm one of them), but some things are just too fantastical to be real. As outlined, this spell is one of them. It doesn't even really say anything about raising or directing energy, and those things are necessary for a spell to work at all. If you're just thinking about something with no intent and no energy behind it, it's most likely not going to work.

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