specific person love spell

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SpellsLife  ► Attractive  ► specific person love spell
make a guy loves you
make a girl loves you

Casting Instructions for 'specific person love spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • no ingredients
  • no thing spell
  • no needs spell
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • no ingredients
  • no thing spell
  • no needs spell
gods and goddesses of sea moon sun and venus
I call on you
to make ''******'' love me
as soon as im insight
as soon as im inmind
as soon as im on speach
this is my will
so mote it be


Added to on May 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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How long does it take to work

May 03, 2019
it depends on your energy and if the person likes you too. if you're casting on a complete stranger it might fall flat, if this is a friend who thinks you're cute it would work a lot quicker. just remember the energy will wear off and if you don't work at the relationship it will end.

do u need a full name or can you use a first name

Nov 09, 2019
the more you can specify and personalize the spell, the better. there's a lot of ''John''s in the world, less ''John Smith''s and even fewer ''John William Smith''s [for example] if you have a picture of the person or something that belongs to them [pencil, sock, hair] this personalizes the spell even more, connecting with their energy and giving the spell a direct path. if all you have is their first name, it still works, but the more you get it will increase the chances of the spell succeeding.

Can this spell backifre if the person you use it on already likes you.

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