Simple Romantic Perfume Potion

SpellsLife  ► Attractive  ► Simple Romantic Perfume Potion
A simple perfume/potion, to be used in small quantities and is not to be ingested

Casting Instructions for 'Simple Romantic Perfume Potion'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 6 mLs Rosewater
  • 3 mLs Water
  • 3 Cardamom Pods
  • A pinch of Saffron
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 6 mLs Rosewater
  • 3 mLs Water
  • 3 Cardamom Pods
  • A pinch of Saffron

Grind up the cardamom pods, and use only the inside brown parts (not the green casing) to ensure safety. Put that (along with the saffron) inside your container. Inject the water, then the rosewater. Use sparingly, and mask with other scents if you are worried about it smelling malodorous to your interest.





Added to on Jan 31, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You don’t need magic to find your special someone

Apr 13, 2020
True, but love spells could help you find them sooner than expected, or perhaps meet the person you need to be with before your special someone [because we're always growing and sometimes we meet people who teach us how to become better]

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